From 1915 and during all his Argentinean period, A. Bilis realised some, often large, impressionist paintings. Most of them depict South American landscapes. We can see in his work some more recent oil paintings, depicting French landscapes.

Watercolour & Pastel paintings
If most of his work consists of charcoal portraits, throughout his life he painted watercolour and pastel paintings during his travels: in France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco… Painting the places he loved was for him a moment of pleasure and relaxation.

One of the most important aspects of A. Bilis’ work consists of his talent of miniaturist. He painted many miniatures of a great delicacy, of which we own only a few specimens since most of them were commissions. Many press articles give evidence of his reputation in this field.

A.Bilis realised throughout his career, a tremendous quantity of charcoal drawings and drew more than 2 000 French and foreign personalities: André Malraux, Paul Claudel, André Gide, Jacques Monod, Louis Lumière, Vlaminck, Serge Prokoffief, Michel Simon, Jeanne Moreau....

He also left a large number of moving portraits, drawn from life: Andes Indians, European farmers and other anonymous people from different continents. Bilis’ work, fascinated by the picturesque quality of old towns and villages, includes many French landscapes, in particular from Ariège, his favourite region. .